“By its ordinary meaning, sex is changeable and not binary.” That single sentence perfectly encapsulates the current upside-down reality. By its ordinary meaning, sex in humans is exactly immutable and binary. It becomes otherwise only under the extraordinary ideological pressure of gender activists.

I'm so sorry for parents like Betsy and kids like Alyson, caught in this monstrous unreality. These families need brave, influential allies to address and reverse the harm done by in-school gender indoctrination. Instead, children are actively proselytized into a delusional belief system that exploits their vulnerabilities and desire to belong; parents are left alone with the fallout. By the time they're aware of what their kids are being taught, it's too late.

I deeply admire Sall Grover for her principled, courageous stance, maintained at great personal cost. It begins to seem lesbians will have to go back to the in-person, word of mouth avenues we used to meet each other in the '80s and before -- essentially quit the modern dating scene and selectively re-closet. Not fair, but what about this antiwoman movement is? The trans-identified men thereby left to meet each other online as "lesbians" can scarcely truly believe that either is female, but as long as they're sexually satisfied in the reciprocal lie, they'll likely be content. And the worst of them will keep pushing to trespass all female spaces; their self-aggrandizing sense of entitlement is depthless.

Unfortunately, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are both big gender acolytes. This will only get worse, not better, if they're elected. Democrats remain without sane, brave leadership in this arena.

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Well said! But I disagree on the last point. The situation in the US won't improve until we have Dems in office AND the Dems feel free to stand against the current narrative. Harris and Walz, like millions of liberals, have no real clue about this issue; they are merely mouthing the party line. Imo, we need to build the bridge back to sanity and lead them onto it.

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I'm all for that, but how? Science, evidence, observable harms done to actual girls and women -- none of these seem to affect our former allies. I have the impression of a once-sensible liberal voting bloc so irrationally scared by the prospect of another Trump presidency that they'll elect any Democrat who is mentally and physically intact. I don't think most are well-informed on Harris's policies or really care; she's a functioning adult who is not Trump.

More than simply mouthing the party line, Biden actively promoted gender ideology by inserting "gender identity" into rules and regs, elevating its legal standing and, notably, gutting Title IX. Unfortunately, Harris and Walz likewise support and will actively perpetuate such policies, to the detriment of girls and women. (Walz has done similar as governor of Minnesota.) It's not just passive.

Most Dem politicians won't stand for females and against gender ideology as long as they consider it a career liability to do so. Unfortunately, they're not getting the "liability" message from a newly invigorated base, which either doesn't care or is uncritically bought in on gender ideology. I don't know how thinking, caring Democrats change that, as rational discussion, appeals to evidence and fairness seem to go nowhere. I guess that's the $64,000 question.

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I completely agree. That is the question. Rational arguments and appeals to evidence don't work; you don't change anyone's mind that way. But the good news is, we don't have to change a lot of minds. There's a growing mass of folks out there who already agree with us, or think maybe they agree, or have started to wonder ... but they don't feel able to dip a toe in the water. Look at all the folks joining DIAG. Look at the example of leftist women in the UK. The more we can give them air cover, give them a way to speak up and be counted, the more the pols will start to listen. But how long it will take ... that I don't know. I waver between optimism and despair on a daily basis!

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Me too on the wavering. Do we have gender dysphoria dysphoria? :)

I appreciate the wonderful work you're doing and really hope you're right -- that it won't be necessary indefinitely, that a critical mass of the sane will coalesce as the cautious dare to align with the bold. You are right about encouraging signs, not the least of which is DIAG.

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Thanks for talking this out here. I hear you both! Where I sit on this is...while I would love the Dems to change their minds, I don't see it happening soon enough. But I am on the DIAG rolls, so I still harbor some degree of hope. Btw, I am one of the lucky parents whose kid is already out of harm's way; she went through the gender nonsense and desisted and sees the BS for what it is. But she and we, her parents, have to contend with the nonsense everywhere, and we are furious that so many families are still being harmed.

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I am so relieved and glad for you! It's great that your daughter desisted; I infer she did so before any permanent physical harm was done. Let us hope she has now been permanently inoculated. I swear, knowing what I know now, I might well homeschool kids if I had them. I don't, but I do care about other people's children, and hate that I am forced to support this delusional indoctrination with my property taxes.

Re. the election: I feel fortunate to live in Colorado, where RFK, Jr. -- he opposes pediatric gender experimentation and supports women's sports and spaces -- remains on the ballot. My state is a lock for the Dems, but at least I can vote my conscience; he was the moderate, sane choice on a number of issues. I think I'd sit out the election if I lived in a swing state, and don't envy DIAG Dems who feel they have to choose between Trump and a candidate who advances gender ideology.

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The thing that will turn this around in the US is when the detransitioners start winning their lawsuits and the money starts flowing in the other direction. When it is no longer profitable to mutilate children, it will stop. Today's cohort of ruined lives will be considered collateral damage.

The entire trans enterprise is no more than a cult, "A belief in transgenderism is wholly reliant on faith; there is no empirical evidence that any human has ever been “born in the wrong body” or that such a thing is even possible." https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/religion-cult-whatever

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Agreed, the day the money men decide it’s not worth it, it will be over

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Another great Deep Blue entry, Jocelyn! I was about to quibble with you at the end where you point the finger at opponents ‘equal parts right and left’ because I’m so hyper focused on gender that I can lose sight of my fury with the Republicans for overturning Roe! You’re right, of course: we can cast our outrage in all directions and hit deserving targets.

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True truth. So much outrage, so many targets, only 24 hrs in the day! And women mostly are the ones who suffer.

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So true--Sal and Betsy have much in common--the state religion of Sex Denialism--the idea that people possess a magical gender identity. And somehow, thanks to Democrats, gender identity trumps sex.

I am encouraged by a few Democrats that speak out--people like Shawn Thierry.

Unfortunately, this will take such a long time to turn around. It's a huge industry, the gender industry. And we have so many parents on-board with the trans identities of their children. They are INVESTED.

And then there are parents such as Betsy (and myself) who cannot risk being public.

MSM doesn't cover our stories--not only does it go against the preferred narrative--we are cloaked in anonymity.

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"Cloaked in anonymity" -- exactly. All we can do is try to change that narrative so more of us can shed the anonymity and speak out. I keep thinking we are approaching a tipping point, but I dunno ...

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