Well done, DIAG!

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Thanks, Kara!

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Lovely, it feels like calm, considered progress is actually happening

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Well done! I hope you will write the follow up as they suggested. I would also like to ask that everyone be aware that the LG are increasingly sick of 1) being force teamed with something that is actually causing us great harm, and 2) are getting pretty pissed off at trans activists using us to push their ideology. The acronym is a lie and is used as an abusive tool to bully and intimidate people who are gay/lesbian or who support gay rights. We are not a monolith and society needs to stop treating us as one. Would anyone dare demand BLM also represent white people who easily sunburn and people who "identify" as black? Of course not. It's the same for us. The LGB are nothing but the silent anchor that gives legitimacy to all the letters that follow. It not only doesn't represent us, it is used by groups like GLAAD as justification the erasure of Gay Community and Homosexual from the social consciousness, telling people in their style guide not to use them. Many are trying to bully us into saying same "gender" attracted instead of same sex attracted. And the appropriation and redefining of the violent slur "queer" is even worse. Feel free to use this however and whenever you like. The acronym is nothing but a Pavlovian trigger at this point. It needs to be disassembled.

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Could not agree more. We will not succeed until we have detached the TQ+ from the LGB in the public consciousness. Actually, I think we need a new and different term altogether for LGB. Same Sex Attracted, or Samies, maybe?

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Jocelyn I was just in SF and would like to write a lte asking that your lte be published and that I support what you’ve said. I’m sad to have missed this event I really would’ve liked to have been there. Are you ok with me doing this?


Kiley from Moab Utah

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Hi Kiley, thanks! So, the New Mexican got back to me this aft and said the op-ed came in "too late" to be published the wknd before the event. (I had it in 4 days in advance, so I don't really buy this, but whatever.) They said I could write a letter talking about what I heard at the event, instead. I will likely do that. I would encourage you to write a letter of your own just saying you were sorry to have missed the event because you think it is important to listen to detransitioners and others who have suffered as a result of gender medicine (or however you want to put it). And if you want, you can join DIAG at di-ag.org ! :)

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Well done, Jocelyn! You hit all the right points concisely and powerfully, putting the lie to the writer's assertion that right-wing bigotry and "junk science" (round earth: you're next) undergird rational, principled objections to a quasi-religion that harms vulnerable women and minors. I hope the New Mexican has the cojones/ovaries (to be clear, the first refers to males, the second to females; they are binary, immutable and impossible to confuse) to publish it.

In the meantime, please be kind to yourself and don't read the opinion pages over breakfast. We need you healthy, digestion unperturbed!

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Lol, good advice! I'm glad I read that particular hit piece, though ... otherwise I wouldn't have known the event was happening. No such thing as bad publicity, as they say ;)

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Pitch-perfect and right on!!!

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Thank you!

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Thank you for setting the record straight.

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I also wrote a letter to The New Mexican after the event, in response to an article they wrote the day of the event with quite a few accusations in it. Here's my response:

I attended the panel last night of detransitioners at La Fonda. I am a life-long Democrat and was distressed that only Right-Wing organizations are sponsoring this type of important information. I don’t like giving them my money, but I want to hear the experiences of those who have detransitioned. I actually found out about the event through a Left-Wing organization that was planning to protest it.

No one was denying rights to trans people. No one was saying that trans people do not deserve the same human rights as everyone else. There was no misinformation. The panelists were speaking honestly and truthfully about their own experiences. How can that be misinformation? There were no “scare tactics” to turn people against the LGBTQ+ community. In fact, I am a lesbian who attended this event, and I was warmly welcomed.

What little data there is about transgender regret is known to be inaccurate partly because people who detransition are denied care by their gender care providers and are not counted anywhere. More and more people are detransitioning, as evidenced by the profusion of subscribers to detransition social media sites. Their stories need to be heard.

Here is an article in The BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal), “Detransition needs further understanding, not controversy,” https://www.bmj.com/content/381/bmj-2022-073584.

Transition and detransition are healthcare issues and should not be politicized by either the Right Wing or the Left Wing. This politicalization and the cancel culture around it is doing no one any favors and just contributes to the deep divides in our country.

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Thank you so much for sharing this.

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If they don't publish this then I encourage you to go to other news outlets, even Albequerque if you have to. Get it published somewhere! And publicly shame the paper who wouldn't publish for violating your free speech and their own journalistic integrity.

Call them on it! That alone makes noise. Someone WILL publish it. This happened to me and I got WAY more milage with them not publishing than if they had.

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Hell yes, sis!!!!

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From the New Mexican article about the protest:

“This is an anathema to me,” said Jennifer Kimball, the hotel’s board chairman emerita, said of allowing the panel to go forward.

But, she added, “That’s me as a person. As an owner of La Fonda and as an employee of La Fonda, I am neutral.” The lesson learned from all of this, Kimball said: “We need to be doing more background research.”

No, I'm afraid the lesson learned here is that intimidation works.

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That article made me wince.

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Brilliant. Thank you.

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Wow, they went for all the histrionic talking points!

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They sure did. "Vilification" is my favorite!

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The extreme reaction we often see to detransitioners simply sharing their experience should throw up red flags to anyone....

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I hope it gets printed!!!

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Me too! Will let you know.

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